Earnings Disclaimer

The entirety of this course gives you all the knowledge and tools you need to launch your side hustle and make your first $1,000. However, we have to state again that this is not a get rich quick scheme and your results may vary as well as the time it might take to get to those results. iliketodabble LLC is not responsible for what sort of side hustle/small business you choose to start and your earnings depend on you and the actions you take following the learning in this course.

This course is solely an education tool. As with any business, there is risk with starting and you have to accept that risk. Some businesses succeed while others fail for a variety of reasons.

All of the testimonials are real and valid, from real people stating their real experiences but there is no guarantee your experience will be the same as theirs.

Affiliate Links

This course contains affiliate links from companies that we have partnered with as affiliates. We either used their products in the past, currently still use them, or think they are good options to present to you to use in whatever way you might need.

We may receive compensation when you click through, purchase or sign up for anything through those links.

Legally Covering Your Side Hustle

Even though Amira is a lawyer we spoke with in module 4, she is not YOUR lawyer and both Amira and the course creators are not responsible for any legal decisions you make based off of the information in this course. We recommend you consult a business lawyer before making any concrete decisions.


Even though Eric is an accountant we spoke with in module 5, he is not YOUR accountant and both Eric and the course creators are not responsible for any tax related decisions you make based off of the information in this course. We recommend you consult an accountant before making any concrete decisions.